Welcome from the Principal
Exbourne: Encouraging Excellence
We are a small village school on the edge of Dartmoor National Park and close to the market town of Okehampton. We aim to foster excellent relationships with parents and the local community and to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of every child. Our work is underpinned by our Christian distinctiveness and seeks to grow each child spiritually, socially, emotionally and through quality teaching. Children at Exbourne C of E Primary School receive a personalised, values based approach to learning - quality teaching, tailored to individual needs, by staff who truly care about their happiness, welfare, safety, progress and achievement. Exbourne Primary is part of is part of the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust, which comprises of 17 schools. We believe that working together allows us to share our strengths and aim for excellence. 'Let us spur one another to acts of love and good deeds.' Hebrews 10:24 |
Our Core Christian Values
The expectation is that everyone in our school community:-
If you have any questions or more information is required, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
The expectation is that everyone in our school community:-
- Follows our school Golden Rules
- Respects our core Christian Values
- Shows courtesy, care and respect for others
- Is honest and truthful
- Works and plays together cooperatively
- Moves about the school in a quiet, orderly manner
- Has respect for school property and the property of others
If you have any questions or more information is required, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Our Aims
- All children feel safe, secure, happy and valued.
- All children show respect for themselves, others and their world.
- All children are confident, resilient and independent.
- All children are curious about the world they live in and have a love of learning!
- All children are proactive members of their community and the wider world.
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